Bass Influence: Jerry Scheff

Elvis and Jerry Scheff

Jerry Obern Scheff
January 31, 1941

Jerry Scheff is my all-time favorite bassist. In my mind, there is no greater bass player… ever. Jerry Scheff epitomizes everything I think that a bassist should be.
Jerry Scheff is best know for his time with Elvis Presley & The Doors, but his catalog is extensive.

I will let his bass lines speak for themselves. His brilliance is hard to put to words, but easy to hear. Here are just a few of my favorite Jerry Scheff Bass Lines:

“Suspicious Minds”

Elvis Presley “Suspicious Minds”

This live performance of Jerry Scheff playing Suspicious Minds has been a subject of study for thousands of bass players over the years. Jerry Scheff lays it down in 1970 in this concert with Elvis Presley in Las Vegas.

“See See Rider”

Elvis Presley – See See Rider

This is one of my favorite bass lines to play. It’s so full of energy. Each and every note, every walk, every phrase has a purpose. Plus it really gives my fingers a workout.

“Gentle On My Mind”

Elvis Presley – Gentle On My Mind

This is a common argument for me. I think that Elvis Presley’s version of this song is the best version because of Jerry Scheff’s bass line. Other’s insist that Glen Campbell’s version is the best. I will post them both and you can decide for yourself.

Glen Campbell – Gentle On My Mind

Let us know which version of “Gentle on My Mind” you like better in the comments. Let us know why you prefer that version.

“Polk Salad Annie”

Elvis Presley Polk Salad Annie 1972

This is another really fun song to play. Check out the bass lead in this live version of “Polk Salad Annie.” It’s yet another reason to fall in love with Jerry Scheffs bass playing.

Jerry Scheff: Bass Solo

Jerry Scheff Bass Solo

Here is a very cool video of Jerry Scheff playing a bass solo during one of his performances with Elvis Presley. I love this bass solo.

L.A. Woman

74 years old and still jamming with the best of them. Listen to those bass runs! Jerry Scheff is an inspiration for me to keep learning. There’s no telling how many years I have left.

Jerry Scheff plays “L.A. Woman” at Lakland Basses 10th Anniversary Show

What are you favorite Jerry Scheff tunes? Comment below.

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